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Donors, advocates and champions. As our front line advocates, our volunteer leaders are a key component to advancing the values and mission of the Possum Queen Foundation. Our leaders provide opportunity by supporting events and public outreach, all of which enhance the goals of the Possum Queen Foundation to help those in need within our community.


If you are interested in getting involved or want learn more about our mission, please contact us here.

Concrete Wall

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Winston Churchill

Executive Board

President and Co-Founder - Bill Neller

Vice President - John P. Bongiorno

Secretary - Andy Stowers

Treasurer/Finance Chair - Patty Buonocore

Fundraising Chair - Lesley Budny

Board Member - Paul Casali

Board Member - Alan Landau

Board Member - Leo Paul

Board Member - John Roller

Associate Board


The Honorable Judge Charles Gill

Monsignor Robert Tucker

The Honorable Judge Ann Dranginis

Shirley Taradash

Steve Sage

Fundraising Committee


Fundraising Chair - Lesley Budny

John Bongiorno

Patty Buonocore

Sue Smith

Lee Brakeman

Andy Stowers

Mel Kelly

Jen Hauck

Cynthia Harrington

Lori Stickney

Gina Devaux

Carol Schildgen

Joseph DiChillo

Dana Bongioro

Beth Landau

Kevin and Kerri Lacilla

Event Committee

Chair - Jay Bolton

Bill Neller

John P. Bongiorno

Brook Noel

Patty Buonocore

Sandy Breuns

Lesley Budny

Alan Landau

Keith and Lois Hall

Dana Bongiorno

Lee Brakeman

Sue Smith

Cynthia Harrington

Beth Landau

Finance Committee

Chair - Patty Buonocore

Bill Neller

Andy Stowers

John P. Bongiorno

Alan Landau

Distribution Committee

Chair - John P. Bongiorno

Patty Buonocore

Berta Andrulis Mette

Lee Brakeman

The Honorable Judge Andrew Roraback

Alan Landau

Colonel Kirk Harrington

Andy Stowers

Cynthia Harrington

Dana Bonjorno

Beth Landau

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